Sterre Decru,

Sterre Decru (°1999) is a Belgian mezzo-soprano, born and raised in idyllic Bruges. In 2019 she moved to the Netherlands to complete her bachelor’s studies at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Three years later she graduated with distinction in both classical and early music. Sterre was coached by renowned names such as Peter Kooij, Robin Blaze, Francesca Aspromonte, and Pascal Bertin (Early Music direction) and Catrin Wyn-Davies, Noa Frenkel, and Phyllis Ferwerda (Classical Music direction). As a young singer, Sterre took part in several youth operas at the Antwerp Music Theater Transparent (In Bocca al Lupo; (Paradise)Hell; Orfeo Viajero), something that fueled her love for this profession to such an extent that she decided to continue it.
In 2021 she was invited by the Belgian Collegium Vocale Gent for their “Young Soloists Masterclass”. After this, she was asked by the ensemble to sing in Robert Schumann’s theatrical work “Faust”, a production of Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Sterre is now fully working on her master’s degree as a member of the Dutch National Opera Academy, for which she was awarded the Excellence Scholarship by the Royal Conservatoire. Sterre will perform various roles in operas by W.A. Mozart, J. Haydn, and E. Krenek.